Solutions help us keep a certain number of specific items at once, it is a measuring stick to how many we should have of a particular item. For example a magazine rack only holds so many magazines, if you have more than what it holds it is time to pare down. If you have a basket for blankets you can only hold that many blankets, see how solutions are a gage to how much stuff you should have.
When you use solutions you can choose from a variety of styles, colours, materials and patterns. Solutions can help create a certain looking decor in a room. Using the same colour palette in solutions as other accents makes a room feel co-ordinated and pulled together.
Most people have trouble knowing where to put their items. Using solutions helps create homes for your items and makes it easier to tidy up. If you know where everything goes it is a quick job to return all your items to their proper homes.
Using clear solutions allows you to see what is inside. This is helpful for food, clothing, tools, batteries, art supplies etc. This will allow you to take a quick glance at how much you have of an item and it makes it easier to find items.
Some solutions are the opposite of using clear bins they help hide away items you do not want out in the open. Shoes, wardrobe accessories, spare change, etc. are items most people do not want out in clear view, there are several solutions to use to keep items out of sight.
Hope this helps you understand the world of solutions and why organizers love using them!