Every family is different when it comes to the style and look of a message centre. I encourage you to look on pinterest for ideas and inspiration. I am including some of my favorite looks here as well.
1. You need to have a calender, large enough to hold all of the family's appointments and events on it. You can always make a calendar from an old picture frame. The glass will act as a dry erase board. See pictures for ideas. You can also have a "look at the week" calendar that is larger and on a white board so it can easily be changed, added to and erased for the next week to be entered.
2. You need a cork board, magnet board or a bulletin board (one with ribbon to hold paper) to hold messages. I also think it is a great place to display family photos from recent events to keep the message centre up to date with what the family has been up to lately.
3. You will also need a place to hold important papers like permission slips, information on upcoming events and other documents you need to have on hand. You can have a spot for every family member if that works for you.
Every message centre will look unique for each family, use your own decorative touches to personalize it. Here are some examples of message centres, as you can see no way is the right way, do what works for your family and your space.
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