If our wallet was lost or stolen we could easily look back on old bills to see what our credit card numbers are and what our debit card numbers are but would it not be more effective to have a list already made up, just in case.
Take your wallet, heck while we are there lets declutter too! Take everything out and put like with like. Do you need to hold onto old receipts, file them away or toss them. Do you use all those points cards? if not toss them.
Now you can make a written list or one on your computer. Record each card, its number, exp. date and cv number on the back (3 digits by signature). Do the same with points cards and your health card. Most of these cards have the number to call right on them, add these too. Get all of your other important pieces of identification that you do not, should not, keep in your wallet; SIN card, Passport, birth certificate and so forth and do the same.
Let's not forget what we keep in our glove boxes; insurance cards, a copy of our ownership and other vechicle documents. Add these to your list.
Title the document so it is easy to find and keep it in a folder you will remember to find it again.
If you are making a physical list keep it in a filing cabinet in a file labeled important numbers.
This will save you much time when having to call and report all these items stolen or lost.