Friday, 4 September 2015

20 minute Declutter

It is hard to find the time to de-clutter and well lets face it unless you are a professional organizer the chances are you are not a fan of de-cluttering!
If you take just 20 minutes per project you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in such little time.
Try to schedule one project a week, write it into your agenda, on your wall calendar, in your phone where ever you will be reminded that this is important and needed.

Here are the top 5 areas that will make the most impact when you choose to de-clutter them:

1.  The Front Entrance Closet:  This closet is usually meant for guests coats, umbrellas and seasonal gear.  Use a couple of bins and a garbage bag when de-cluttering.  Throw out anything that is broken, take out anything that is not in the right season, fill a bin with items to donate.  To keep the closet de-cluttered have a basket for guests hats and gloves, add a couple of hooks to hang umbrellas and make sure you have a clear section where guests coats are hung.

2.   Under the sink:  So many things get tossed under the sink and not put away neatly.  Lets have our garbage bag ready. Throw out anything that is broken, return items to their correct home if not meant to be under the sink and check to see if your containers have product in them or not.  Use baskets to keep like items with like, such as; make-up with make-up, shampoo and conditioner together, cleaning supplies and so forth.  You can label each basket to keep order among them.

3.  Your Desk Drawers:  This is a place where "everything" ends up!  Empty your drawer and throw out anything that is broken, donate any items that you do not use and group items with like items. Once you have de-cluttered the drawer's items use small bins/boxes to keep like items together, such as; paper clips in one bin, pens and pencils in another, tape and liquid paper in another and so forth. This system with help keep your drawer neat and easy to find items.

4.  Garage:  Don't know where to keep something put it in the garage...Wrong! This area becomes a catch all for items without homes.  This area will most likely take a few 20 minute sessions.  To start take a garbage bag and throw out junk and broken items.  Have a box/bin for items to donate - ask yourself when was the last time I used this?  When do I plan on using this next?  On your next 20 minute de-cutter put all like items together; sporting equipment, tools, gardening items etc.  To keep your garage organized use hooks and clamps to hang bikes, folding chairs, rakes etc. Make use of shelves with bins of like items together and use larger bins on the floor for bigger items that won't fit on the shelves.

5.  Laundry Room: This is another space where people end up putting items they have no idea where to house.  Fill up that garbage bag with broken items or clothes you have not mended, unmatched socks (or use them as dusters) and empty containers.  Donate any clothes that you have not worn for the past 6 months but are still hanging in the laundry room. Consolidate all your laundry soap bottles together so you can minimize the space utilized.  Use baskets or bins to organize like items; such as; sewing in one, in need of mending, all your stain removers/dryer sheets/dryer balls in another and so forth.  Add an empty basket or bin for donations.  When you wash something your kids have outgrown or are doing a seasonal wash put aside the items you did not wear and donate them to a local charity.

I hope this gets you motivated to de-clutter your home one 20 minute project at a time!!  Share your before and after photos to help motivate others!!