No not that type of dance card...
If you are not aware of what a dance card is here is a brief description: it is where you put your business card in a "hat" and then draw out a card. You connect with whomever got your card and vice versa. This sets up 2 meetings in a week. I am naturally an introverted person so I have grown quite a bit and am coming out of my shell by being myself with several people on a weekly sometimes daily basis. I am all the better for this experience and would not trade it for the world. I live by the philosophy that all people are teachers, they teach you what you want to be or what not to be.
Here is the latest thing I have learned along the way while on a dance card of course it has a little bit of organizing involved!!
Scott McEachern, a financial planner, taught me quite a bit when we met for a coffee. The one thing that stood out for me was his "LifePath Essential Document Checklist", ok its true I love check lists and feel everyone needs more of them in their lives. This check list is a smart one. It is a few pages that you fill out key information about your important documents, such as; who is your lawyer, where your will is kept, insurance policy numbers, TFSA, GIC's, RRSP's etc contract information, computer codes and passwords and the list goes on and on. If you want more information check out his website.
He also taught me that new dad's have baby brain too and they can somehow survive on no sleep just as well as new moms. Congratulations again on the new baby Scott!