1. Schedule in your week/days with every hour accounted for,
prioritize as you do this.
prioritize as you do this.
6:00 Breakfast, tea, read emails
7:00 Wake kids, eat breakfast, get dressed
8:00 Drop kids off to school,
8:30 Clean up breakfast dishes, clean kitchen floors
9:30 Pay bills online, make phone calls
2. I use 3 forms to keep track of my appointments, I have them on my
tablet, in a day timer and on a white erase board in my kitchen
that is part of my family message centre, this way everyone is
able to see what is coming up. I like to colour code my
appointments so I can see what the appointment is for,
ie. work, family, social, medical, school etc
3. If life happens and my day is not going as planned and
I do not get things done that need to be done I can
always look over my weekly schedule and see what
I can hold off on and reschedule the most important
appointments first thing.
4. Remember it will take time to get use to scheduling
your hours everyday every week so be gentle on yourself
when you miscalculate at first, try to give yourself a little
more time than less time to get a task done. Worst case
scenario you have time for a cup of tea
5. At the end of my day I like to look over my day schedule
be sure I completed all tasks, those I could not finish for
whatever reason I prioritize and reschedule in the next
couple of days, I look over what my plans are for the
next day and make sure I have everything out that I will
need to make tasks and appointments happen ie. clothing
for dry cleaners, item to return to store and its receipt...etc.
6. If part of your day is being online and you tend to get
distracted on there, I know I sure can, use an egg timer
for 15 minutes this way it will remind you as to how much
longer you have to complete tasks but also will pull you
away from that great site with leather hand bags.....must
not surf over there now I have a blog to write.
7. Make sure you divide your time up that makes sense as to
the locations. If you have several errands to run maybe
only run the ones that are close together one day and the
next make the trip to the further location if this helps with
managing your time better. Be sure to schedule in breaks
and FUN stuff like 15 minutes of online shopping or browsing
or watching a favorite television show.
I hope this is helpful to you and please feel free to share any of your tips on how to organize your time better!! Thanks for reading :)