First thing make sure you have a good couple hours to really get the job done if not really started! I always start from the bottom and work my way up, you can start from top to bottom. I find what is at ground level is the most challenging to go through so why not start there :)
Take everything out of the closet that is on the ground and put into like piles, so games with games, towels with towels, shoes with shoes etc. After you have done this go to one pile at a time and ask yourself a few questions. How often do I use this, weekly? Monthly or every six months or so? Create three piles from the original pile. The items you use regularly ask where do I use them? Is this the best place for me to access them, are they as close to where I use them as possible? Can I keep them elsewhere that makes more sense?
Once you have asked these questions and answered them you will have three piles for all your original piles. Put back the items you use monthly off to one side of the closet floor or bottom shelf, put items you us weekly in the middle of the closet floor or middle shelf.
Take out everything from the top shelves of your closet and ask the same questions as above. If you use items monthly add them to monthly items if there is room if not put them off to one side of top shelf, put weekly items with other weekly items if no room put them in middle of the top shelf.
If it is a closet with clothing put all your clothing into like sections, tank tops with tank tops, t-shirts with t-shirts and so on. If you really want to make it easy to find your clothes put each section into like colours together in the same pattern as a rainbow adding white first and darker colours last. While sorting ask do I still wear this? Can I donate it to a local shelter or salvation army? Put all your hangers on the rack backwards, when you wear an item put the hanger on the right way. In six months to a year see what hangers are still do not wear them donate them!
Now you will have your six month use piles left. Ask yourself is this a seasonal item? Do I really need this? Can I store it with items in another location that is for items rarely used? Once answering these questions put the remaining items on the top self off to the side that is clear. If you need more room put the remaining items on the closet floor off to the side that is clear.
Hopefully your closet is not still full to the brim and you have room to grow for future items to come into your life. Try to have 15% of your space room to grow as our needs are always changing.
Share your results in the comments below! I cannot wait to see your new and functional closets.